Wednesday, April 22, 2020

F4 Online - Wednesday 22 April 2020

Good evening.  We would love to be gathered together right now, overrun by children and youth and ready to gather for our Bible studies or worship after our meal.

But we are not there yet.  That does not mean that we just throw in the towel on our Wednesday nights.

I want to challenge you with scripture and messages and I want you to get Berean.  After you have been challenged, search the scriptures.

Beware that many make claims and arguments that attempt to twist and subvert scriptures to their own intentions.

How do you know when that’s happening?  You know the scriptures and you set aside your self and what you want God’s word to say, or that really cool interpretation that doesn’t quite fit the word of God but makes you unique—you only have to use the tools of the enemy to make your case.  What’s a little twist here and there?

Know your scriptures.

Seek God and his kingdom and his righteousness.

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

Believe in the one true God and do not doubt.

Profess Jesus is Lord. 

Believe that God raised him from the dead.

Know that we are to be known by our love.

We can know when we are being deceived, but first you must know your Bible.

We can know when we are being drawn off course, so know the voice of the Good Shepherd.

So, stay the course.  Continue your Bible study.  Let iron sharpen iron as you engage in your home Bible studies.

I am going to give you a scripture to meditate upon, especially in our present circumstances, then we will get to John, Chapter 4.

Many of you have memorized 2 Timothy 1:7 and say it frequently.  The words come in the context of general encouragement to Paul’s protégé and friend as surely Timothy was not walking the primrose path that some presume ministry to be.

Paul reminds his friend that he did not embark upon his ministry lightly and the Lord did not fail to equip him for this exact time.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

I have talked a lot about fear and how we all deal with it differently.  In the Parable of the Talents, the third servant’s fear was debilitating.  Fear can suck the life out of you.

If you are afraid, pray.  If you are afraid, seek the encouragement of other believers.  If you are afraid, step forward in faith.

Ask yourself, what would you do if you were not afraid.  Which leads us to the rest of the scripture.

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but he did give us power, love, and a sound mind.

We will save power and love for another time.  We spent a long time on the subject of love only a couple years ago.  It never gets old.  We sing there is power, power, wonderworking power, in the precious blood of the Lamb.
But for this time, let’s think on being granted a sound mind.

We don’t simple obey God or human authority mindlessly.  We make choices.  We have the ability to make sound choices. 

We have counsel not to be afraid in these present circumstances; yet, we have seen so many succumb to fear.  As many hoarded an interesting assortment of supplies because of fear of a pandemic, we wonder what will they do when the day comes to get back to normal—whatever that turns out to be.

Let’s consider what we will do.  First of all, let’s not let fear govern our decision.  This is the time for a sound mind. 

We want to balance our liberty, our ability to provide for our families, and our safety.  We want to protect our families and provide for them at the same time.

We want to shelter our most vulnerable yet sustain the way of life we once knew.

Fear can compel us to do things that we would not normally do.  Engaging a sound mind calls us to ask:

What would I do if I was not afraid?

The answer to that question is probably the soundest answer you can find.

It’s not that there are not risks and dangers.  There are.  Will they cause us to surrender all that we value or to skillfully engage new challenges?

So, if the state has a date set to get back to normal or start getting back to normal and your congregation has a date to resume gathering in some form or fashion, what are you to do?

Engage a sound mind!

Some of you don’t need to be back in the pew on Day 1.  Some don’t need to be back on Day 101.

Some of you can barely get by another Sunday without gathering.

Some of you have been working through the past few weeks practicing whatever procedures your employer implemented.

What are you to do?

Engage a sound mind!

Don’t act out of fear, but don’t act impulsively.  Pray about this.  Listen to what God tells you.  Implement his directions to the best of your ability.

If I see you on the first day when some number of us gather again, I will celebrate.

If I don’t see you on that day or the next week or the next month because you have engaged the sound mind that God gave you, I will miss you but won’t judge you.

Who am I to judge another man’s servant?

Don’t act out fear.  Decide what to do based upon the sound mind that God has given you.  The promise is that if you ask God for wisdom, he will give it without judging how you got where you are and he will be generous about it.  Don’t ask and doubt.  Ask and receive, then put that wisdom to work.
I will give you a battlefield analogy, because those have been in short supply in our online mode.

The soldier or Marine advances towards the enemy even though there is danger.  They overcome fear and complete their mission, but along the way, they use cover and concealment and supporting fires to improve their chances of success.  They engage a sound mind.

Fear does not debilitate them but that doesn’t mean they don’t implement their best practices.

I will leave you with this thought.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Now to our Bible Study.  We are reading John, Chapter 4 this week.  I have divided my messages into 4 parts.

Part 3 – The woman and the people she knows

When this live broadcast concludes momentarily, either read or watch Parts 1-3.  Use them as provocations to search the scriptures.

Find someone with whom you may discuss this chapter and these messages.  Let Iron sharpen iron.


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