Thursday, May 27, 2021

Joel--In your face prophecy for then and now


Joel was a wake-up call for those in Judea centuries before Christ and for those who now live in the last days.  In the battle of good and evil, God wins.  Love wins, but how many must lose?  How many will continue in rebellion?  How many can even recognize rebellion?  It looks just like our own understanding.

Joel is three chapters of in-your-face prophecy.  Links to messages for each chapter are provided below.


Joel 1

Wake Up!

Have you ever seen anything like this?


Joel 2

Even Now

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord


Joel 3

The Valley of Decision

Last Days


Last Days


Read Joel 3

Let’s consider the last days.  Are we talking a week or a month or a year?

We are talking about every day that you have ever lived.  Since Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost, we have been in the last days—the last age if you will.

Now will certain things happen as we get closer and closer to the second coming of Christ?  Yes, but consider when Joel talks about in those days, he is talking about these days.  He is talking about this age.

Again, we see some near-term and long-term prophecy.  Jerusalem would be taken captive into Babylon and returned to its land before Christ came, but they would not yet have the blessings of all of the prophecy until the end of this age.

At some point, all of Israel will cry out: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  They will welcome and receive the Lord, Jesus Christ. 

At some point, God will hold court on the nations of the world.  Everyone who has wronged his chosen people will be held accountable.  It is as if God is saying, “I double-dog dare you to rebel on this day.”

Go ahead and make your weapons of war.  You have enjoyed peace in your ungodly ways long enough. 

Go ahead and generate that machismo spirit.  It won’t last when you face the one true God.

Everything you did against God’s people will be settled and those who have wronged God’s people will not come out of this in good shape.

Your days of getting away with stealing from, ridiculing, fighting against, and otherwise showing scorn for God’s people will be dealt with by God himself.

Nations of the world, you are invited to judgment.  You don’t get to send your regrets and sit this one out.

Where will this take place?

In the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  Where is that?

Some think perhaps the Valley of Beracah where King Jehoshaphat once had a military victory.

We don’t know.  Some suggest the Valley of Kidron, but surely it is too narrow for such a massive gathering.

Some suggest the Valley of Megiddo. Some think this will be Armageddon.

But the Valley of Jehoshaphat is less a location than an event.  Jehoshaphat means the Lord judges or Jehovah Judges.

Joel uses a different term to describe this valley.  He calls it the valley of decision.  Nations will gather there amidst cosmic disturbance as the Lord judges from Zion.

Does the prophecy of Joel leave room not only for people but for nations to repent?  Is it possible for nations to come to this time of judgment not in war against God but in total surrender?

I don’t know.  I do know that God will reign with a heart that desires none to perish but that the blood of his people will not go unavenged.

Where does that leave us?

Stand strong to the end.  Remain faithful to the very end.  Never abandon God.  Never resist his Holy Spirit.

If the nation in which you live is judged, be among those who have taken refuge in the Lord.

I’m going to use some highly technical terms here.  There is going to be some stuff going on as we grow closer to the end of this age.  Our mission does not change.  We are people of light and love and hope and even joy in the midst of calamity.

Don’t’ underestimate God.  He can bring judgment and reconciliation concurrently.  He can do more than one thing at a time.

Judgment may befall our nation but you have been saved from God’s wrath.

The Day of Decision is coming upon the world.  Take refuge in the Lord now for you have made your decision already.


The Valley of Decision


Read Joel 3

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

   Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said.

Into the valley of Death

   Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismayed?

Not though the soldier knew

   Someone had blundered.

   Theirs not to make reply,

   Theirs not to reason why,

   Theirs but to do and die.

   Into the valley of Death

   Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

   Volleyed and thundered;

Stormed at with shot and shell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of hell

   Rode the six hundred.

Alfred Lord Tennyson continued for another 3 stanzas but the outcome was clear.  The decision to attack when and where they did was a blunder, but the brigade rode on.

The decision to continue the attack was not made in the ranks.  Theirs was but to do or die.

This poem reflected upon one brigade that would be eternally known for its courage in a hopeless cause.  It was in Crimea not Kidron or Megiddo.  It was not the Valley of Jehoshaphat.

But it was the Valley of Decision.

Multitudes, multitudes

    in the valley of decision!

For the day of the Lord is near

    in the valley of decision.

 The sun and moon will be darkened,

    and the stars no longer shine.

 The Lord will roar from Zion

    and thunder from Jerusalem;

    the earth and the heavens will tremble.

But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,

    a stronghold for the people of Israel.

Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, but you must call upon the name of the Lord.

The ultimate battle of good and evil is on the horizon.  We know God has already won, but some remain in rebellion. Some avoid the decision to accept God through Jesus Christ.

I meet with many people whose lives are a mess but their excuses are in order.  They have so many reasons and justifications for living in their own understanding instead of living God’s way.

Their lives are a mess but their excuses are in order.  This is a defense mechanism to avoid making real-life decisions.

There are so many that live under the umbrella of what is often called determinism.  That is their circumstances determine their outcome.

I spent many hours in conversation with inmate clients who had years to go on their sentences who still wrestled with, I didn’t have a choice.

Only when they realize that we always have a choice can we move beyond our circumstances into real decisions.  Yes, many decisions are difficult to make and harder to live by, but they are our decisions

They take us out of the victim mentality and put us in the more than conquerors category.

The decision that I speak of is the decision for life in Christ.  The decision is to profess Jesus as Lord and serve him as Lord, Master, and Savior.

The decision is to take his yoke and learn from him.

The decision is to obey his commands with joy in our hearts not as burdens on our backs.

I feel for many of you as you minister to those who pay lip service to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and diligently serve the god of their own understanding.

You, like the prophets, often minister to deaf ears and are not well received.  I get it. 

But we are not allowed to throw in the towel.  We reveal God’s grace and mercy every chance that we get.  One day, time will be up.  The battle in the Valley of Decision will be consummated in God’s victory and those who held onto their own understanding will go the way of the 600, without the human glory.

Joel is a wake-up call for all generations.  God wins.  That means that love wins.  Why would anyone decide to play for the wrong team in the battle of eternal outcomes?

The Lord will roar from Zion

    and thunder from Jerusalem;

    the earth and the heavens will tremble.

But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,

    a stronghold for the people of Israel.

He is our Rock and Stronghold as well.  Our salvation is secure but the nations of the world are in peril.  So many are at risk of being eternally separated from God.  It may seem comfortable now to not deal with this God stuff, but is that really the eternal condition that some want to choose in their valley of decision?

The world is gathering for war in the Valley of Decision.  The only winning decision is to receive Jesus as Lord and serve only God.  We go forth into battle armed with the Sword of Truth—the Sword of the Spirit—that we know as the word of God.

God wins.  We know that part, but how many must lose.  We have a part in keeping that number low.  It’s a target-rich environment.  Everywhere we look there is someone who needs the Lord.

Everywhere we look we see people with their excuses in order but their lives are a mess.

Everywhere we look we see people living in their own understanding and rejecting God.

Multitudes, multitudes

    in the valley of decision!

For the day of the Lord is near

    in the valley of decision.

Joel is a wake-up call for this generation of apathy and ambivalence that lives entrenched in its own understanding.  For many, the time for decision is already upon them.

For us, the message of hope and love and grace and mercy must be delivered with more urgency now than ever before.

We all are entering the Valley of Decision.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!


Read Joel 2

The first chapter charged those who should have known better to wake up.  Judgment was coming.  Joel continued in the second chapter with what he would label as the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

Mostly, he focused on the second part.

Darkness, gloom, clouds, and blackness headline what’s coming.  Let’s add an army like never seen before.  This may be an army of locusts that devour.

If that were not enough, there will be fire that precedes the invasion and is still burning afterwards.

What looked like the Garden of Eden before will be a desert wasteland afterwards.

No place will be left untouched.  People will tremble in fear.

Could this be an army of locusts or is this the battle in which the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords leads the charge?  The answer is yes.

This was prophecy for the near term in Judah.  Calamity was coming.

This is prophecy for the end of the age.  Things will get really bad before the end.

We see the cosmic disturbance that Jesus mentioned to his disciples in Matthew 24. That tells us that this part was still to come.

Who can endure the Day of the Lord?

Joel’s prophecy does not answer so much who can endure the Day of the Lord but how we can endure it.

Even now—at this late date return to God with all of your heart.

Even now—your time is not up yet, so do the things that signal repentance.

Even now—all is not lost.  Do you know God? Tell me if this sounds familiar.

You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

That was from Jonah 4.  Let’s see how Joel presents God to his people.

He is gracious and compassionate,

slow to anger and abounding in love,

    and he relents from sending calamity.

God desires none to perish. His desire is for all to come to repentance.

Joel’s prophecy called upon the people to rend their hearts and not their garments. Return to the Lord.

Rend your heart

    and not your garments.

Joel calls upon people to repent with their hearts.  Repent with your very being.

Then the repentant people are to call out to God and ask him to remember them as his prize possession.  Don’t let them be an object of scorn for the world.

Repent, return to God, and call upon him to spare you.

For us today:  Repent, Profess Jesus is Lord, live as his disciple.

But how will the Lord respond?

He will send grain and wine and never let his people be an object of scorn again.

He will drive out all who oppose his people.  It’s going to be a real whuppin—the enemy will be driven into the sea.

The pastures will be green, the trees will bear fruit, you will have abundant crops and plenty of wine.

Your abundance will make those days when the locust consumed everything a distant memory. Paul would say that our present suffering would pale in comparison to what is in store for us.

Then you will know that God is with his people and they will never be shamed again.

Realize that this will take place amidst cosmic disturbance.  The world will be in turmoil.  But God will pour out his Spirit on all people.

His Chosen People will be protected and rewarded and never scorned again, but his Spirit will be poured out all over the world.

Men and women, old and young, people in high and low positions will have visions and dreams and prophesy.

Wonderous things will happen all over the world and even in the heavens.

For some, these wonders will be terrifying.  For others they will know them to be signs of the Lord himself and they will take comfort.

It will be the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, and it’s not just for show.  Remember what both Jonah and Joel said about God?

You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

Calamity is finally on its way but it is not for all.  God’s grace and compassion continue to the end even when his wrath will be poured out on those who insist on rebellion. 

For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

Our mission—our commission—is to call people to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now and know that their eternity with God is secure, but we must know that a time will come when the evidence of God and his love will be so overpowering, that many will repent and believe the good news that we now enjoy in Jesus Christ.

Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

The world will be as evil as it has ever been, but God’s compassion and forgiveness are offered to the very end.  He will send his Spirit and his word will be everywhere.

So what are we to do?

Go into the world.  Preach repent and believe the good news.  Live out your commission every day.  Be known as a follower of Jesus by your love.

Be salt and light and goodness in a world that does not know God, knowing that while the world gets worse and worse, God will give signs and miracles and pour out his Spirit so that many will be saved.

Do your best to share the good news, but the pressure is off. 

Don’t lose hope when things get really bad.  Such things must happen and they might just be that nudge that opens the eyes of those blinded by the god of this age.

Know that God is a God of grace and compassion.  He is slow to anger.  He is abounding in love and he desires none to perish.

Visualize Jesus standing before the world one last time before judgment and wrath come.  See him with his arms wide open calling upon all to take his yoke and learn from him.

We have our part, but Jesus calls people to come home and if the earthly shepherd will leave the 99 to find the 1, how much more will the Lord of Lords do to meet the desire of his Father’s heart?

How much more?

There will be great and terrible signs and God will pour out his very own Spirit upon this world to give all one more chance to repent and come to him.

See the things that must come as one last effort to bring the lost home, to call all to repentance, and to give everyone a chance to call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.


Even Now...


Read Joel 2

The first chapter charged those who should have known better to wake up!  Judgment was coming.  Joel continued in the second chapter with what he would label as the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

Mostly, he focused on the second part.

Darkness, gloom, clouds, and blackness headline what’s coming.  Let’s add an army like never seen before.  This may be an army of locusts that devour.

If that were not enough, there will be fire that precedes the invasion and is still burning afterward.

What looked like the Garden of Eden before will be a desert wasteland afterward.

No place will be left untouched.  People will tremble in fear.

Could this be an army of locusts or is this the battle in which the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords leads the charge?  The answer is yes.

This was prophecy for the near term in Judah.  Calamity was coming.

This is prophecy for the end of the age.  Things will get really bad before the end.

We see the cosmic disturbance that Jesus mentioned to his disciples in Matthew 24. That tells us that this part was still to come.

Who can endure the Day of the Lord?

Joel’s prophecy does not answer so much who can endure the Day of the Lord but how we can endure it.

Even now—at this late date return to God with all of your heart.

Even now—your time is not up yet, so do the things that signal repentance.

Even now—all is not lost.  Do you know God? Tell me if this sounds familiar.

You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.

That was from Jonah 4.  Let’s see how Joel presents God to his people.

He is gracious and compassionate,

slow to anger and abounding in love,

    and he relents from sending calamity.

God desires none to perish. His desire is for all to come to repentance.

Joel’s prophecy called upon the people to rend their hearts and not their garments. Return to the Lord.

Rend your heart

    and not your garments.

Return to the Lord your God,

    for he is gracious and compassionate,

slow to anger and abounding in love,

    and he relents from sending calamity.

Who knows? He may turn and relent

    and leave behind a blessing—

grain offerings and drink offerings

    for the Lord your God.

Do you remember what the King of Nineveh said in Jonah 3?

“By the decree of the king and his nobles:

Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink.  But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.  Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”

The king of Nineveh made sure that his people—and even the livestock—at least had the outward signs of repentance.

Joel calls upon people to repent with their hearts.  Repent with your very being.

Then they are to call out to God and ask him to remember them as his prize possession.  Don’t let them be an object of scorn for the world.

Repent, return to God, and call upon him to spare you.

For us today:  Repent, Profess Jesus is Lord, live as his disciple.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Joel 1 - Have you ever seen anything like this?


Read Joel 1

We are beginning Joel, but I will start with Matthew 24 as we consider chapter 1.

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.  Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Jesus told us that we can’t know the day or the hour but Joel tells us that we should see the signs of the times.

Had we kept on reading in Matthew, Jesus also told his followers to note the signs of the times.  He directed us to be ready at all times.

God’s Chosen People were sitting around fat, dumb, and happy not aware of what was coming in the way of calamity.  Actually, they might have been getting skinny and grumpy, but their attitude was same stuff, different day—life goes on.

Calamity was coming both in the near term and in what would be the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

The Babylonians would take care of the first part.  The conclusion of this age will involve the entire planet.

Joel’s message was Wake Up!

Your crops won’t grow.  Your priests are helpless to aid you.  The locusts invade like an army that doesn’t take prisoners.

Wake Up!

Those people should have known better.  They were God’s Chosen People—were they not paying attention?  I’m glad that we are not like them.  Right?

Because we wake up every morning saying this is the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I will work at everything I do as if I am working for the Lord.

Throw whatever problems you have at me. I will trust in the Lord over my own understanding.  I will acknowledge the Lord throughout the day.  The Lord himself will keep me on his path for me.

No weapon formed against me shall prevail!

Or do we get up thinking are we out of coffee?  I have to stop and get gas.  Who left their clothes all over the house.  Does the trash run today?

Do we ever begin the gift of a new day thinking, same stuff—different day?

Do we fall into malaise?  Do we pay homage to the twin gods of apathy and ambivalence?

Joel was telling his people to get out of their daily funk and get their God game on.  Can’t you see what is heading our way?

Hello 2021.

I don’t know if the election for president was legitimate or not.  I don’t know, but I have never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know why rioting suddenly became acceptable and enforcing the law is inherently evil.  I don’t know, but I have never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know why the color of my skin which was given to me by the God who knew me in the womb is suddenly something that makes me unworthy of being a person.  I don’t know, but I have never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know why people celebrate killing a baby but abhor a police officer shooting an armed criminal.  I don’t know, but I have never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know how one contagion can shut down most of the world but all other illnesses and diseases seem to have disappeared in the process.  I don’t know, but I have never seen anything like this before.

I don’t know why censorship only applies to patriotic posts and statements of faith in God.  I don’t know but I have never lived through this before.  I have studied this in history and know of it in other countries, but never lived through it.

The mores of society have abandoned the morals of God.  I am not going to give you a political platform here, but challenge you to Wake Up!

Calamity is coming upon this world.  I can’t say if it will be this year or ten years or a hundred years from now but the signs of the times tell us to Wake Up!

I have told the age-old story of the frog that you put into a pot of boiling water.  It will jump out and you will never see it again. Its skin is scalded but it is alive and plans to stay that way.

But put another frog into room temperature water and turn up the heat a degree every few minutes and in a couple of hours you have boiled frog.  It never knew what happened.

You remember the message in the Parable of the Ten Virgins.  It is to be ready.  All ten fell asleep but when they awakened, only five were ready to receive the bridegroom.

Joel prophesied to a people who knew only the law.  They did not know Jesus, but the stakes were high.  They are likewise high for us too.

Some today are like Jonah.  Intellectually, they know what to do but their hearts rebel against God.  How can you profess Jesus is Lord with a rebellious heart?

The message of Joel to today’s world is Wake Up!  Too many have given lip service to this profession that Jesus is Lord.  It’s time to Wake Up!

There is a term that has gained momentum over the past couple years.  It is Woke America.  It’s fairly accurate but not in the way those who embrace it think.

So many have awakened to the evil around us and have embraced it.  So many have awakened to see the gods of Apathy and Ambivalence as easy to serve.  They require nothing that runs against how you feel.

For those who hold firm to the word of God and do so to the end, we may not be able to do anything about the course the world is on.  I pray that we can but all that we might be able to do is Wake Up!

We are not helpless.  Our hope is in the Lord.

There is one thing that can help awaken this depraved world in the last days.  Read chapter 2 this week and see if you can find it.




Joel 1 - Wake Up!


Read Joel 1

We don’t get much information on the prophet Joel.  He is mentioned in his own prophecy.  He likely lived about 9 centuries before Christ was born.  He likely lived in Jerusalem, or at least in Judea.

Peter referred to him in his first big sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Joel means one to whom Yahweh is God. Some say it means Jehovah is God.

His Father was Pethuel. Pethuel means God’s—in this case Elohim’s—unfocussed expansion.   There’s a rabbit trail to follow on a slow day.

It appears that much of what was described by Joel was happening as he wrote, but much was prophecy for what we will call the Day of the Lord.  It was yet to come.

Joel’s message first addressed the elders—those older and wiser.  He asked, have you ever seen anything like this in all of your lives?

This should be getting everyone’s attention.  The Babylonians would not be too far behind this devastation and Judah would be ruined.  This is what followed in the short term.

The Day of the Lord would come at some time not yet established.  This is the long-term prophecy.

As is often the case, we are left to discern which is which, but apparently, the locusts had arrived in Joel’s time.

About a dozen or so years ago, I remember the grasshoppers sweeping through the area.  In a single day, they had consumed all of my garden and half of my apple tree.  It seemed strange to see half of my apple tree consumed—fruit, leaves, buds,  everything—and then half left untouched.

It was as if someone had drawn a line down the middle of the tree and the grasshoppers stopped at the line.  They finished off the other half the next day.

Nobody got squash or apples from my house that year. It was memorable but nowhere near the devastation of Joel’s time.

Devastation has come, so now what?  Wake up!  This is not business as usual.  Something is happening.   Wake up!

And do what?

Put on sackcloth and mourn like never before.  Repent.  Get right with God.  This is not just a bad year for agriculture.  The judgment of the Lord is upon you.  Wake up!

You can’t even go and make a simple offering.  The acts of worship that you know have ceased.

You want to drink away your sorrows?  Good luck with that.  There is no more wine.

You need a lamp for the room at night?  Good luck with that.  It’s a bad batch of oil this year.

Everything is withering all around you, including your joy.

Wake up!

It’s good to live in 21st century America instead of the 9th century before the birth of Christ.  At least if the grasshoppers eat my garden, I have canned goods galore and even some stuff to microwave.

Imagine nation-wide or worldwide agricultural failure.  You think the insanity of buying out all of the toilet paper was bad, wait until it’s everything.

I laughed pretty hard when I saw the video of someone filling a plastic tub with gasoline after the flow of the oil pipeline had been hacked.  Then I saw a video of someone putting gasoline into a plastic Walmart bag.  It was ok. She double bagged it.

One of these days, you are going to have to explain 2020 to your grandkids.  Good luck with that. Looks like we have some explaining to do for this year too.

If there is one thing that we should take away from this chapter in Joel, it is this:  Wake Up!

Wake up!  This is not a time of life goes on as usual.  The fragile nature of many of our human systems is exposed.  We are vulnerable when we place our hope in the world and its ways and its systems.

From the oldest to the youngest, we should have eyes to see.  What should we see?  The end of the age is upon us.  Evil is everywhere and so often accepted as the norm.

The love of so many has grown cold.

Evil is presented as good and good as evil.

We claim to be Christians, but have we lived as those who truly follow Jesus and his way?

Jesus noted to his disciples, that in the end times people will be living just as they did in the days of Noah.  They were eating and drinking and getting married and enjoying life.

They were living in their own understanding and living for their selfish desires.

I don’t want you to panic.  God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Joel charged those who heard his prophecy to put on sackcloth. Mourn like you have lost everything.  We don’t need a wardrobe change.  We need to do the things that we have known to do for some time.

I charge you to live fully as followers of Christ Jesus.

I call us all to be known by our love.

I call us all to keep the faith.

I call us to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

I call us to put the words of our Master into practice so that our house is built upon solid rock.

I call us to prepare for the storm ahead by living every day in loving obedience to our Lord.

These are not my ideas, but the Lord’s.  My role is to send the same message as Joel.

Wake up!  Take notice of the storm around you but fix your eyes on Jesus.

Now is the time to trust in the Lord and not your own understanding.

Now is the time to wake up and live as he has called us to live.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Just a short trip through Jonah


Jonah is a very short book in the Old Testament.  He is often considered a minor prophet.  The chapters are short but their messages are powerful and applicable to us today.

Use these links as review or the beginning of a new Bible study.


Jonah 1

Wanna Get Away: Disciple Dynamics

A Prophet from Galilee

Jonah 2

God will get someone else…

Affirmations in our Distress

Jonah 3

Trending in Nineveh—Sackcloth

Somebody has to go to hell!

Jonah 4

Heart and Mind in Conflict

Acceptance of Authority?

Jonah 4 - Acceptance of Authority


Read Jonah 4

 What in the world is going on here?  I love God’s mercy and compassion that he has shown me and that he was shown his chosen people, but these yahoos don’t deserve it.

These people have always been enemies of Israel.  We were not always at war but always on the brink of war.  Their incursions were ruthless. 

They may have deserved some fire and brimstone but surely not mercy.

Make no mistake about it, I know better than to disobey God.  I don’t want any more time in the belly of that big fish.  I’m still getting the fish smell off of me.  I don’t need another lesson.

Do what God tells you to do. Just do it!

But somehow, I need to convince God that he is wasting his mercy on these people.  I’m going to pick out a seat here and wait and see what happens.  Maybe God will see my distress and kill all of them and destroy their city anyway.  That’s what they deserve.

Did you pick up on the part about Jonah picking a spot out east of the city.  He made a shelter.  He wanted to see what would happen to the city. 

Maybe these suckers will still get their comeuppance.  Maybe they will still get what’s coming to them.

Jonah obeyed God but his heart was still in rebellion.  He complied with God’s authority.  He did not accept it or embrace it.

I have divided our response to authority into four areas.

Reject, comply, accept, and embrace.  So many live in the realm of rejection.  Some live in the realm of compliance.

Few know what it is to accept authority and even fewer to embrace it.

God is sovereign.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

God’s thoughts and ways are beyond our comprehension.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

God’s answers to our prayers may not always be what we ask for.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

We can tell people that God loves them and he has made a way to be right with God, but do we want them to repent and believe the good news?

Do we also desire that none perish and all come to repentance and life eternal?  Do we know God’s heart and are we teachable enough to let God make our hearts like his?

Jonah knew to obey God but his heart still rebelled against God’s sovereignty. God provided Jonah another lesson.

God caused a leafy plant—a vine in most translations—to grow up over Jonah’s makeshift shelter.  Jonah was pleased.

The next morning, God sent a worm to devour the vine.  Jonah was angry.

This was followed by scorching sun and desert wind.  Remember this area is essentially northern Iraq.  It was in the fertile crescent but on the edge of the Arabian desert. You can have scorching sun and sandpaper air on demand.

So, Jonah threw a pity party. 

Oh, just let me die.  God has bestowed mercy upon these wicked people and now he took away what little comfort I had.

It was time for a little conversation between God and Jonah.

So, you are really upset about this plant?

Jonah remained anchored in this anger.

Yes!  I’m so angry that I wish I was dead.

Let’s frame God’s comments in modern-day syntax.

Are we talking about the same vine?  The one you didn’t plant?  The one that you didn’t tend.  The one that you never watered? 

Are we talking about the same vine?  The one that sprang up overnight and gave you shade and relief from the heat?

Are we talking about the vine that was here one day and gone the next?

Is that what you’ve gotten yourself worked up about?

If your heart is not right with God, sometimes you just go into your day looking for something to anger you.  Sometimes we look for reasons to be angry.

Now that God had Jonah’s attention, he continued.

OK knucklehead, you are so upset about this vine that provided you relief for a day but don’t care one iota for the people in Nineveh—people that are part of my creation too.

There are over 125,000 people in this city and you get all wrapped up in whether this vine lives or dies but don’t care about any of those made in my image?

These people don’t know up from down, left from right.  They are lost.  Would you have me leave them that way?

Can I not be true to who I am?  I am a God of love, and mercy, and compassion.  Would you want me to set that aside and join your pity party?

That wraps up the book of Jonah.  I will now give you the quiz.

What do Jonah, the rich young ruler, and Nicodemus have in common?

We don’t’ know the rest of the story.  The rich young ruler went away sad because he had great wealth.

Nicodemus helped prepare Jesus for burial, but the gospel doesn’t say whether he did this out of respect for Jesus as a rabbi or as a follower of Jesus.

Jonah ends and we don’t know if his heart became like God’s heart or he was still in conflict with himself.

He didn’t want another 3-day/3-night all-inclusive stay in the belly of the fish, but he wasn’t too keen on this mercy for his enemies either.

We don’t know how Jonah lived the rest of his life.  We can only focus on how we take this account of Jonah and apply it to our lives.

I return to the topic of authority once again.

Few know what it is to accept authority and even fewer to embrace it.  That includes God’s authority.

God is sovereign.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

God’s thoughts and ways are beyond our comprehension.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

God’s answers to our prayers may not always be what we ask for.  Does that bother us or comfort us?

We can tell people that God loves them and he has made a way to be right with God, but do we want them to repent and believe the good news?

Do we also desire that none perish and all come to repentance and life eternal?  Do we know God’s heart and are we teachable enough to let God make our hearts like his?

Are we like Jonah or have we learned the lesson of Jonah?

God’s love is for all.  We can wrap our minds around that.  Can we get our hearts in sync with that as well?
