Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Read Hebrews 3

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

OBTW—today is the only day that you can do something about your salvation. Today is the only day that you can grow in your discipleship.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. Today is your day for action or inaction.

You might think that I’m saved. Life is good. Whatever. I’ll just wait it out on the back pew until Jesus comes for me. What the heck, I’ll be waiting for Jesus on my fishing boat.

You might think that I’m saved, eternity has been given to me. OK, that part is cool beans. Why do I need to do anything? I’ll just wait for Jesus to come get me in my recliner.

Why must I do anything at all today?

Why should I do anything when Jesus has done everything for my salvation?


It’s really that simple. Jesus humbled himself and stepped out of heaven to live and die as a human and as a servant. This all came out of God’s love for us.

Why do I need to do anything when Jesus has done everything? We are to be known as disciples of our Master by our love.

The author is not just talking to the unbelieving world. He speaks to us.

Don’t let your hearts be hardened. You have received this gift of grace. Live accordingly. That means that you never get discouraged or disheartened. You will have trouble in the world but we are charged to take courage. Jesus has overcome the world.

You just don’t harden your hearts anymore. That must not even be an option for us.

Remember God’s Chosen People being delivered from captivity in Egypt. For the years and years of complaining about God not hearing them or delivering them, when they were delivered, they didn’t take long to start complaining.

We could have stayed as slaves but at least we had food.

The people had food in the wilderness. They couldn’t see crops in the field, but God put manna on the ground and threw in some quail to boot.

The people just didn’t trust God enough. Yes, this was the same God that sent plagues upon Egypt, made a way to cross the Red Sea on dry land, and engulfed the Pharoah’s army when they tried to pursue.

It wasn’t enough. Some hardened their hearts. Some even rebelled.

Here’s the thing. Many who rebelled were swallowed up by the ground. Others never made it to the Promised Land. They never entered into true rest.

We will talk more about rest next week, but for now, realize that putting the words of our Master into practice requires us to give up our rebellious nature. We must surrender our heart of stone for one of love and compassion.

When? Today.

Don’t put this on your to-do list. Just do it. Do it today.

Today, if you have not done these things, do them now.

Repent and believe.

Profess Jesus is Lord.

Be baptized. Kids, talk to your parents about this. You might have some friends and family that want to be here for that.

Take his Yoke and learn from him.

Put his words into practice.

Mark Twain said that the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why.

The believer might say the two most important days were the day he or she was born and the day each was born again.

But for the rest of your life in these bodies, the most important day is today. Do the important things in your life while it is still called today.




Take on the yoke of your Master.

Put his words into practice.


How can I do that?  My days are so full already. Really, how can I fit everything that I need to do today?

Scratch these off your schedule and don’t let them sneak back onto it.














I’m sure you could add to the list. Even if you can’t find something to scratch from your day, find time to do the things important to your relationship with God and that causes you to be known as a follower of Jesus by your love.



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