Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sprinkles on a Cupcake

The world took hold of us and conformed us to its model.  We were lost but God had mercy upon us and sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it through him.  The Law and the Prophets pointed us to Jesus. 

At some point, we rejected the world and walked away from it.  We repented and believed the good news of life in Jesus Christ.  We were—we are saved!  That should rate a chorus of hallelujahs.

But how have we lived since then? Is loving God and loving one another chief among our core values and redeemed character or is responding to God’s mercy and grace by being his love just something we work in when we can?

Is he our all in all or just sprinkles on a cupcake?  How can we answer that?  Please consider two very direct commands from Jesus.  The first you know well.  Love one another.  The second is more than a command, it is a commission.  Go into the world with the good news of life in Jesus Christ.

There is much more to living in response to God’s grace, but take some time this week to see where you stand in relation to these two very direct commands from our Savior.  Then, ask yourself, If I was accused of following Jesus, would there be enough evidence to convict me?

Are we known by our love?  Do we trust in the Lord with all of our heart?  Are we on the sidelines criticizing other believers when we should be sharing God’s love in our every encounter?

There is a line in the Casting Crowns song Courageous that reads:

May the watchers become warriors
Let the men of God arise

Isn’t it time that our Christian life was more than sprinkles on a cupcake?  Isn’t it time that we get off the sidelines and become known by our love?   Isn’t it time to be known by our love?   Isn’t it time?

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