Friday, August 25, 2017

Trials and Tribulations

It seems that today, even and sometimes in spite of all of our modern conveniences, the pressures of the world weigh heavily upon us.  Job uncertainty, pending medical procedures, health insurance, rising costs, death of loved ones, truth that has become so elusive, technology advancing so as to separate generations, divisiveness among people who should just live as neighbors, over half a century of war somewhere around the globe, and recurring Brinkmanship in politics if not outright gridlock and vitriol, all seem to bear down upon each of us.

Jesus said in this world, you will have trouble.  If you have ever wondered if what the Bible says is true, well Jesus nailed this one, don’t you think?  In this world, we do have trouble and problems and pressures—the biblical term for pressure is tribulation.

Jesus didn’t end his thought with you will have trouble in the world.  He said, “Take heart!  I have overcome the world!”  Yes, I added the emphasis, but I think that we all should.  We are not orphaned by God.  We are not in this alone. 

God is with us.  His Spirit lives inside of us.

God is for us.  Let’s not get wrapped up on everything that seems to be against us.

God loves us.  He loves us so much that he gave us the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.  When the pressures—the problems and tribulations of the world come upon us—he makes a way to stand firm in our faith and come out of the trials and tribulations even stronger.


It’s not all pressure and problems.  We have celebrations in our journey.  New birth, healing, and the lost coming home should be cause for all of us to renew our own spirit as we run our race of faith.

This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!


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