Thursday, February 8, 2024

Choose this Day: Live for God or for the Creation

 Read Matthew 6:25-34

We catch todays scripture with the words of Jesus included with a bunch of words of Jesus. We get this red-letter effect because Jesus had begun what we now call the Sermon on the Mount. This didactic turned from homiletic to teaching at some point but Jesus was doing all of the talking.

After blessing and the receipt of blessings for many things that many people might overlook and even discard as trials, Jesus began teaching on of variety of topics.

As we enter Chapter 6 of Matthew’s gospel, we see teaching on not making a show of doing what’s right and giving to the poor.  These things are between you and God.

Don’t pray and count it to your credit that you use some fancy words and can make the name of God into a three-syllable word.  Praying is not for show.

Jesus even gave those who were listening a model prayer.

And by the way, don’t go all snowflake on me when you are fasting.  You are growing nearer to God. Quit acting like you are on the Batan Death March.

And when you think of your treasures, think of treasure that will last. Think of doing the will of your Father in heaven as making deposits in your heavenly account.

Then Jesus sang the first round ever of Be Careful Little Eyes what you seen.

Jesus told us that we can’t sit on the fence. Either we love God or we love his creation more. It’s one or the other. Do we love God or do we love money and all it can buy us?

Which brings us to today’s scripture and the words of Jesus.

And his words are—don’t worry.  Don’t worry.

Can any of you add one hour of life to your life by worrying about your life.  Jesus said, we’ve got this life thing.  Trust the Father in heaven. Trust me, and before you know it, you will be able to trust a spirit that lives within you.

Don’t worry.

You don’t see the birds worrying, do you? You don’t see the flowers growing anxious, do you?  Your Father in Heaven knows just what they need and he knows what you need, so stop worrying about what you think you need.

Why do we spend so much time worried about what we will eat or drink or wear?  Live for your relationship with God, not for your relationship with the opinions of others or those of your stomach or your ego.

We might say, “of course, I get that,” but living it—putting these words into practice—gets much tougher in life outside of the pew you are now in.

Worry shows up uninvited and makes itself at home.  Jesus is telling us not to give worry a home. He will take care of us.

This returns us to a familiar place. It is our nature—our human nature—to worry. We are taught to trust but we practice worry. We worry about things and events and outcomes that often don’t make a hill of beans in the long run.  

Our own understanding wants to take charge and be in charge of our decisions and countenance. Jesus said, don’t worry.

Don’t worry.

It sounds easy but to truly rid ourselves of worry, we must trust God—not a little—but with everything.

Jesus returned to making comparisons with the pagans.  They worry about everything that they have or don’t have.  They make some of the things that they desire into their gods.

Jesus challenges us to seek God and his kingdom and his righteousness before anything else.  The pagans seek after all of the things of the creation.  Jesus tells us to seek the Creator instead and he will bless us with all the things that the pagans have made into gods.

God wants us to have good things. He loves to give good gifts but he must always be God. We must put all of our trust in him. We must choose this day whom we will serve: God or his creation.

And what about worrying about the future? Don’t do it.

Tomorrow will have troubles of its own. You don’t need to claim them today.  Seek God and his kingdom and his righteousness now and let God deal with tomorrow.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make you paths straight.

Some days are going to seem better than others. The flu, the regular crud, and even the common cold are allowed back on the once-dominated COVID scene. Jobs come and go. Death and other losses happen.

Some days are just tougher than others, but even those days are not cause for worry.

Our soul is grasped firmly by the Lord.

He has a room prepared for us.

We just need to put his words into practice.

Even in this life, he has promises for abundance and abundant life.

He has promises of health and well-being.

He has good plans for us.

Let us never despair. Let us never lose hope. Let us live without worry, knowing that God is in control.

Trust in the Lord…


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